Welcome to Flydubai Pilot Interview and assessment Forum Discussion!

Here you can search and read about the experiences of other members and also share something from your point of view.
The views you can find below are the subject of the user's personal opinion and do not represent our conclusions.

Latest Threads
Write your SIM Date (Use the thread to find your partner)
Hi all, let's use this thread as a tool to find our possible partner in the sim. Each of us writes his sim date, number or telegram handle, and gets possibly a response from others having the interview on the same day. I'll start myself: 28 Februa...
Psychometric and MS Teams interview
Hi guys, I just received the feedback about sim check and the next stage will be with psychology department. Do you guys already did and this tests here on LPJ are enough to be prepared? Thanks and best of luck for all.
What to expect for the Teams Interview
Hello, fellow pilots! I completed my HireVue interview in early January and will be having my Teams Interview sometime in mid April. To those who have already done so, what can be expected for the Teams Interview? What would they ask? Is mostly everyth...
Timeframe for assessment
I got hire-view in last month, but I haven't got any response yet though I'm NTR FO. Could you tell me the time frame of assessment??
Any one going for the SIM assessment in FEB and anyone done with the SIM recently? Any input on that shall be of great help. Thank you.
Waiting time after hirevue
Anyone have possible information about how long you should wait after the hirevue? Thanks in adv